真估不到, 原來同是公立醫院, 但竟然可以有這樣大的分別. 在伊院裏, 病床與病床之間相隔的位置, 是可以讓我伸手便能觸及鄰床的病人那麼近. 伊院給我的感覺, 是周圍也很殘舊, 牆也是灰灰的, 周圍黑黑沉沉, 感覺迫迫的, 很不舒服, 雖然有電視, 但從來也不開的, 就算開了, 也是雪花片片, 不看也罷.
而另一間醫院, 兩床相距可要遠得多兩三倍, 真不敢相信, 竟然可以有這樣大的分別. 可能因為比較新的關係, 燈火通明, 又有太陽光照射到, 空間感較闊, 環境舒適, 心情也好一點. 而且有特定的開關電視時間, 電視運作正常.
I think maybe many people are going to 伊院, plus it's there for a while, but another one is newer.. I'm not too sure actually. I went stay at St.Teresa Hospital when I got my wisdom teeth taken, just stayed there for a day. From outside of St.Teresa, it looks like an old building, but never thought inside of the hospital can be that nice and it really looks like a hotel!! Of cuz the fee is high like sky..
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/16/2008 16:55:00]我都住過St. Teresa, 但我覺得服務麻麻, 我諗我以後要睇私家醫院都唔會去呢間.